Monday, July 20, 2009

Too busy!!!!

So the last month has been too busy for me to keep up with this blog. We had Lindsey visit for a week and that was so much fun. I really am enjoying the age she is at. I also think she enjoyed the girls more now that they aren't so little. It was just a very fun week. I should add some of those pics, but I already filed them away in my computer and I am lazy. lol

After that, I then taught science camp at the Dinospace Adventure Fun Park. I truely enjoyed myself. I loved the kids and I loved teaching and being outdoors. However, it is so hard being away from my husband. Distance truely does remind you of how much you love the simple moments with your sweet heart. When I got back, we spent one night just laying out under the stars planning our future and then falling asleep out there. Jason did wake us up a few hours after though. :)

We also used my paycheck to donate some money to my favorite ministry...that is ofcourse...Sherwood films and we bought a laptop off my dad and we bought Lily a bigger bike. She is just growing way too fast. Here are just a few pictures from the last month.