Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas! We are so excited. It has been a great month. We have had parties to attend and going to Silver Dollar City to look at lights and see the parade. I love the whole month of December. We even added some Christmas fun to our school time. Lily has spent all month writing a Christmas book! She did such a great and independent job. She also took her time with drawing and coloring the pictures. Here it is for all to see! Oh and she will be bringing this to read to all of our family tomorrow on Christmas Day!

Didn't she do a great job! She found a word for every letter of the alphabet! This is Daphne's first Christmas and she gave me the best gift. She started crawling at just 5 months old. She had been army crawling, but now she is really crawling!

We are excited to do more baking today and to have Daddy home with us for three days! Tonight we want to go to a Christmas Eve church service, but it looks like the winter weather might make it not very safe. The girls are going to use the nativity characters to act out the Christmas story as Daddy reads the story. I love Christmas Eve.
Tomorrow will also be great as we celebrate with all of our family and yes the girls are excited for their three presents each under the tree! :)
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just a weight and height check

Daphne has her 6 month weight and height check, but thinking about it made me curious about the older two. Today we weighed and measured them.

44lbs- 61st percentile for weight
48 inches- 97th percentile for height

Wow! She is still staying tall!

29lbs- 38th percentile
38 in- 75th percentile

Valerie is totally a skinny, tall girl!

From the best I could see...
Daphne is about 14 lbs
about 24 inches
If I am right on those it says below 5th percentile for both......she might be just like her mommy!