Friday, June 17, 2011

Lily's first book report

This week we started our summer school program. We are doing the library reading program through the library and it has wonderful incentives to keep Lily interested in reading! Lily also just completed her first ever book report. She did it all by herself and turned it in to me!

Valerie has also been doing school work. Here she is tracing her numbers and counting and coloring the objects!
I love the face she made! Oh and I helped her with making the twos. Those were hard!
Lily is also learning spanish as a part of her summer school and she is picking up on it quickly. After the first two days, she is easily counting to 10 in spanish. Now we are working on numbers 11-20!

We love doing school together!

What we have been up to!

The weather has been beautiful so we have been at the pool everyday for the past three weeks. Lily even took swim lessons at the community center! She fell in love with jumping off of the diving board and improved greatly on her swimming. We might have her back in lessons at the end of July if we can find time!
We have also been swimming in the river and going to the Jordan Valley Fountains. We love this busy time of the year.
An extra challenge we have had is foster care. Lately we have had a bunch of calls. I think there are more this time of the year due to vacations and the fact that neighbors pick up on what their neighbors are doing. In the winter we all get a little closed off by staying inside.
We had two little girls who stayed with us for a week. They were similar ages to Lily and Valerie so it was great fun! Right now we have had a little baby girl for 2 weeks and it is a definite challenge. Sometimes I am so impressed with myself that I can take four kids, with two of those being babies, out and about everywhere. Other times, I am tired...especially waking up all through the night again. I must admit that although we want to adopt at some point, right now is probably not the right time for another baby!