I think that I may have a lot of beach pictures. This may take up two blogs. lol. So we totally enjoyed the beach. We went three times every single day and would stay for as long as Val would let us. She really did enjoy the beach. She was my biggest worry. She isn't a big fan of water, but is starting to do better with it.
Mommy did have to hold her a bunch though. Otherwise she might have eaten all of the sand from the beach. She loved her shovel and used that the whole time.
Lily was like a little dolphin. She was jumping in and out of the water and having so much fun splashing and letting the waves knock her over. She was a pure joy to watch!
I think that family vacations connect us in the best way. I just feel like this was everything I had ever wished for. It is just such a special time to play and enjoy each other and make wonderful memories.
Lily loved playing with her daddy. He is such a fun daddy. He was taking her way out in the water and they were laughing so much. They also tried building sand castles.
Lily and Valerie are sitting here in their matching swimsuits. Aren't they too cute!!!
They really had fun playing together. It makes me excited to watch them grow up as close sisters.
Here is the crab that Daddy found for Lily. She was so excited and has talked non-stop about her lil crab, but she was a little concerned that we couldn't find his mommy and daddy.
Here was when we wrote Lily's name in the sand. She thought that was pretty neat.
Well if we do something for the big sister, we have to do it for the little sister too. Here is Valerie's name in the sand. Maybe we should have just written Val in the sand. :)
Here is Lily by the palm trees. The weather was so beautiful. I will have to post some more pics later. This is time consuming. lol.
It looks like you all had a great time. Those are some great pics. Love you all.