Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Second grade and preschool

Yay! I love the beginning of a new school year! I love the structure in our routine! I have just a few pictures from their first week back to school. Valerie is ready for preschool so I am going to tell you what she is working on right now. She loves her ABC chart that is in her room. We sing the abc's, we practice recognizing letters, and we work on the letter sounds!
We are also working on journal writing with Valerie. She is only 3 1/2 so she can write Val independently, but she is tracing all of her other words or we are doing hand over hand! After a week and a half, I am already seeing improvement!
Valerie also has a number chart that she works on for counting to 20 and recognizing numbers!
So onto Lily! At six years old, she is ready for second grade and doing so great!! We love our new lifepack social studies curriculum. It is actually suppose to be 3rd grade level, but has been very good for Lily. We are learning about different states and then what is unique about it. Right now we are studying Maine and lobster fishing! It has been so engaging and Lily is learning new words. She really struggled on her first test, but we corrected and learned from it. Hopefully she will do better on the next test!

I got Lily a new dictionary this year and it has already been getting lots of use.
This was just a little update on what the girls are doing in school. They go to their back to school co-op picnic on the 30th so I will post more pictures then!

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