
 Here is Valerie's blog
 Go to this page to see all that is going on with Valerie! 

The 2012 School year has begun! Valerie is now in pre-k/kindergarten. She is 4 1/2 years old and loves learning! We have had a great time starting off the school year! We have already been on several field trips.

The first one was to Ha Ha Tonka State Park. We enjoyed learning the history of that area and getting to see nature!

We also went on a field trip to the City of Springfield Bus Station. We learned how they designed the bus routes and how they communicate with each bus. We also learned about how to pay for different bus passes. It was very interesting! Val was very excited to ride the bus!

I have also had fun getting to do kindergarten work with Valerie. She loves art so we made a yellow sun and she worked on copying my print.

We also went on a field trip to the Creation Xpo in Camdenton, MO. We learned about dinosaurs, outerspace, and about how our world view affects the way we see so many things around us. Valerie loved playing in the dig pit with her friend, Addison!

We also had a great p.e. lesson at the ice skating rink. Valerie did great until she fell on her bottom. She struggled to get back out there after that, but she says that she loved when I would push her around the rink!

We love learning and we can't wait to share more of our learning adventure with you this year!!

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